New Project 365

So I have decided to do another Project 365. The last one really kept me on track. I don't do well when I just have time on my hands. I don't relax well. ;) So I decided, in order to keep me from loosing my marbles, I'd start one. I know that most people start theirs more toward the beginning of the year. But what the heck!

I started it about 5 days my Tumblr site. And I'm starting to realize that I'm not so happy with it. One of my photos got reblogged quite a few times. But a lot of those were reblogged from some one else's site. And I didn't get credit.

So I think I will bring it back over here to this site. I feel like I have a bit more control here. So I will be updating with the days that I have already shot this weekend.


  1. Yeah, totally do it here. Why? Because I don't have your Tumblr site in my blog reader. Yes, it's all about me. :)

  2. LOL! Well I will get posting then! ;)
