Day 33

Day 32
Day 31

Day 30

Day 29

28 Days to a Habit???
So recently I was talking with a friend about this project. And she said, you know it takes 28 days of doing something to make it habit. That stuck with me for the last couple of days. It's now day 29, I am not sure if it's habit yet or not. On a couple of the days I got lazy. And I'm not real thrilled with those pictures. But there are several I am happy with the way they turned out.
I have also decided that at the end of each month, I am going to post pictures that didn't make it for the daily picture. Looking though my photos, there are some that i really liked but they weren't as good as the one I posted. I know, I missed January, so I am starting with February.
Hopefully this 28 days to a habit thing will carry over to other parts of my life. We shall see....
Day 28
Day 27

Day 26

Day 25

Day 24
Day 23
Day 22

Day 21

Day 20

Day 19
Day 18

Day 17
Day 16
Day 15

Day 14
Day 13

Day 12
Day 11

Day 10

Day 9

Day 8

Day 7